Wednesday, October 26, 2011


如何下載谷歌拼音打字軟體?請看本示範短片。至於安裝和設定的文字版請參考 1/2/2011 發表的《安裝谷歌漢語拼音軟體 Google IME pinyin》(文字 Updated 10-26-2011)

Monday, October 24, 2011

通告 Announcement

從2011-10-24起,所有關於佛經的舊文章已轉載到新的網站《佛經注音 Sutra-Hanyu Pinyin》,往後新的佛經文章也只登在新的網站上。新網址是
本站《Patrick Teaches Chinese Typing 中文打字》會保留作為打字教學用途。

Existing posts prior to 2011-10-24 that related to sutra topic have been relocated to new blog ; Upcoming new posts for sutra will only be posted on the new blog.
The 《Patrick Teaches Chinese Typing 中文打字》blog reserved for teaching of Chinese typing only.