Sunday, January 2, 2011

安裝谷歌漢語拼音軟體 Install Google IME Pinyin


谷歌中文打字軟體是個內置的功能,當安裝好了以後它就embed在電腦的系統裡面,你可以用來上網,在你的電腦系統上的program來應用,譬如Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook 的電話簿,日曆...等等。你只要轉換中文或英文鍵盤就行了。在電腦熒幕的右下角有個“EN"icon那表示現在是英文鍵盤,按下icon,選”CH“那你就可以打中文了。

Procedure for installing Google IME Pinyin software):

  1. Down load Google IME pinyin to Desktop
  2. Install Google IME with all the default setting (from window "start" then "run"...)
  3. Setting after completion of the IME pinyin installation:
    • From Window, press "start", then "settings", "control Panel", "Regional and Languages". Pick "Languages" tap.
    • From "Languages" window, check the square box "Install files for East Asian languages", then click "detail" button.
    • A "Text Services and Input Languages" window pops up. At "Default input language" section, selects English (United States) - US. At the second section "Installed services" find and high light "谷歌拼音輸入法2then click "Properties" button.
    • The remaining settings will be shown by attached photos:
1.      Photo #1 set up 拼音模式
2.      Photo #2 set up 外觀
3.      Photo #3 set up 按鍵
4.      Photo #4 set up 詞典
5.      Photo #5 set up 擴展
6.      Photo #6 set up 自動同步

Google IME Pinyin Setting attachments

1 comment:

  1. Not suitable for Cantonese speaking users as the pronunciation of the word is different to the Mandarin Pinyin.
